Friday, April 16, 2010

slow dancing

But the real world is not written by Nicholas Sparks. We live without scripts, there are no cuts. We cannot fold the pages to re-experience our favourite parts or fast forward the scenes we want to edit out. We cannot pause and look up for meaning of words we cannot understand and go back to the sentences we underlined just when the mood strikes.

In the real world, we slow dance to life’s ups and downs... even to the ugliest, darkest parts... at its own pace... Face the consequences of our actions in stride, even if it will alter the direction of our sails.

At some point we have to break free from our bubble wrap of comfort zones. Be not afraid to say goodbye when needed and unplanned. Even if the fear of its permanency is heartbreaking. Even if we know there’s no guarantee that after we part ways, we will kiss and make up when the storm has passed.

But while doing something against our will is the hardest and the pain is inevitable, at the end of the day, when we ask ourselves if we did the right thing, we know we would be able to say: YES we did. And that allows us move on and travel light, free from baggage of the past.



  1. I hate that you're right! :). Just last week, I was faced with a life-altering decision. I let the coward in me take over, and chose to stay inside the bubble wrap. Though, I'm not really sure if I was wiser if I decided otherwise. I'm just rolling with the punches now. I'm dead scared, yes...

  2. i truly believe that “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that that situation is over, you cannot move forward.”

  3. I remember the line "the art of letting go".

    Being able to let go is a skill that many has to master.

  4. wonderful post! no matter how much we plan our lives, we are left with no choice dance along with the music.

  5. We only pass this way once, so let's just make the most out of it, and live life with no regrets.

  6. yes, indeed going through life is like dancing, every turn and leaps that we make has a result (good or bad) that we have to bear or face =)

  7. Sometimes we just have to dance with the circumstances and eventually find ourselves back where we wanted to be.

  8. Yes, pain is inevitable but this should make us better individuals. Living with a heavy baggage doesn't seem to be good, and not anyone would like to feel burdens.
    However, if we're successful in dancing the life, it'll make a big difference. Let's just be graceful with our steps -- counting and moving step by step. And if we're able to master our purpose (going back to the top often)we can breakthrough of whatever sad experiences we have in the past.

  9. we really have to make sure what words came out of our mouths, otherwise, we end-up hurting someone, as what you've mentioned, there are no scripts...

  10. Dancing is a movement. You sway your hands left to right, back and forth. Feel that FREEDOM thing. You post and you go down to slow your movement. And get up again to strike that beat. That is DANCING. That is LIFE.

  11. pray, it can always do you miracles. God will help you move on.

  12. I love dancing. It relieves stress and is great exercise.

  13. Thanks for sharing such an inspiring and eye opening kind of post. Love reading it.

  14. Learning comes along with problems. Sad to say but it helps us get tougher, they said.

  15. Very well said.. I must agree.. We slow dance to what life brings.. Be it good or bad. What matters is how we face it and make everything worthwhile. :)

  16. No matter what beat we are dancing to.. for as long as we are learning the lessons, we are good. love this post!

  17. Im thankful that the author of our lives is not Nicholas Sparks but God. i hate sad endings! With God as the author, Im secured!

  18. Agree!!!.. I was enlightened by this insight.

  19. to move forward one must really look ahead and stop looking backwards

  20. dancing slow makes you feel the mood of the situation.

  21. For me, let's simply seize the day and enjoy what it has to offer.

  22. agree that we really have to get out of our comfort zones. It lets us grow. :)

  23. agree that we really have to get out of our comfort zones. It lets us grow. :)

  24. What a prose! I wonder when you say "baggage of the past" What do you mean for this phrase?

