Monday, October 4, 2010

dip it!

Forest’s mom said that ‘Life is like a box of chocolate…’ but to those who delight in the sound of the crunch than the high of the sugar ‘Life is also like a bag of chips’.

1. Until you open it, you won’t taste it. If you don’t live it, you wouldn’t enjoy it.

2. It can be made more special by an assortment of dips. Want it hot, chunky, beefy or with guacamole? Even with a cup of melted chocolate if you wish. A lot like your existence, made more colourful by the layers of experiences.

3. It is stamped with manufacturing and end dates. Aren't we? And the ‘best before years’ are always before the expirations dates.

4. It comes with nutritional facts. You know what it’s made up, you know what it lacks. Stop whining for what is missing, life offers options to make it interesting. 

5. It is best enjoyed with a glass of ice-cold Coke. Makes it more health hazardous when abused. So some pleasures and the habits gone bad - dangerous.

6. When it comes to flavour, you always prefer the natural than the artificial. The breasts, the eye lashes and the friends. And you know when they are fake.

7. Packaging is advertising, even the name you are called prompts the recall. But still the character is the real deal. 

8. You savour each morsel, you don’t rush it. It’s not chips eating contest, so is life not a race. 

9. Life does not end with a cracked chip. A serving is only perfect in pics. You have a choice to disguise, hide or flaunt it before the camera clicks. But you have to live with it.

10. Grind the dippin’with friends, with loved ones. Simply, sharing makes life more fun.


  1. Deep thoughts there. Life is not a rush, yet at times you need to hurry too to seize an opportunity.

  2. I love chips too but I have already minimize my chips intact for health reasons.

  3. great thoughts that you can compare life into chips, but too much chips isn't good also

  4. As much as each one listed here is a fact, witty and made me laugh - all of them are true. Can't agree more.

    Enjoy life! :D

  5. I love what you said in number 8, "You savour each morsel, you don’t rush it. It’s not chips eating contest, so is life not a race."

    Life is not a race. It is a journey where you enjoy each moment. So is learning. Why do we rush our kids to learn so many things in such a short time when they have a whole life ahead of them to try so many things, experience a number of things and love life?

  6. Our experiences, whether good or bad, provides te flavor of our lives. Without them, life becomes bland and uneventful.

  7. I find it nice how you were able to compare life with chips. While I am not a fan of chips, I find its variety exciting. :)

  8. Wow. Comparing CHIPS with LIFE sounds so unusual. But you dig it there sis. Chips are just like LIFE so crunchable in terms of problems. And very colorful in terms of kinds. Like LIFE very mysterious.

  9. Excellent comparison. Life just like chiops, at times seems so full of beauty on the outside but deep inside different flavors go with it. Yap. Chips comes great along with cold Coke.

  10. Love the comparison! Now, when I remember Forrest Gump's famous line, I will surely remember and associate what you just wrote. I particularly liked #6... I've met so many of those. But through the fake ones, I also got to meet the real people.

  11. Love these kind of posts. So uplifting.

  12. These are so true. If you want to really be alive, live your life to the fullest.

  13. This is something uniquely thought about. Truly life can be compared to anything under the sun for as long as there's sense and truth based on reality. I like the way you did it, Ms Ana! :)

  14. what a great way of incorporating of dips and some spice of life... you have a great way of putting it to writing. Yahweh bless. ;)

