Friday, September 30, 2011

10 important truths that I learned

The hard way, the bitter way and the beautiful way…

1)    Differences…

…we are cut from different pieces of cloth – some are great for comfort, some made to be sturdy. If you know from the look one's a yard from a roll of corduroy, pick something else to make lingerie.

2)    Moving on…

…the truest test is being able to laugh about it – in front of the ex’es face and the current’s – if having moved on is even true. And I don’t mean the nervous laugh tickled by butterflies in the stomach.

3)    That it is important…

…to love myself as much as I love other people and love other people as much as I love myself. As it is as important to forgive myself and other people for annoying habits, offensive humor or for simply being unforgivable.

4)    That there will be people…

…who you wish you met and choose the story to end there. But you cannot because they are instrumental of what you have become. Forgive yourself, who knows, that feeling of regrets and or annoyance is mutual.

5)    That there is goodness…

…in every person, that there is a bright side to every situation - as there is a bad hair day once in a while and PMS-ing to a woman. Simply there is goodness even in imperfections.

6)    That to say…

…you don’t care what people say and feel about you is so selfish because you have the moral obligation to make other people’s lives happy and easy as well and not only yours. So you don’t steal other people's happiness or partners etc., apart from not to steal is commanded and in spite the usual excuse of shortage in the supply of men or whatever.

7)    That there is truth…

…in what people say no matter how bad they are, no matter what the tone and motive is – so think that you and other people who matter can benefit from the change. Pickup what can build your character, discard what can destroy you.

8)    That some people…

…will make you feel you are less, point out that you are ugly, or that you are old, not because they are true or that it matters, but only because they want to feel they are worth so much more and that they are buried in their own miseries. So it’s not always about you.

9)    How they treat you…

…depends on how much they value you. And how hurt you are depends on how much you value them. Don’t worry, it’s only as bad while you are stuck with them.

10)  Not everybody…

…has to matter. Chillax! :)