Sunday, February 24, 2013

Doves for Dedication

Project 2              : Dove soaps give away

Description        :  For Baby Gale on her Dedication
Discoveries        :  Convenience of Japanese stores (like Daiso, Japan Home and the likes)
Challenges         :  1. Innovation, again, lack of crafts supply in the UAE
                                        2. Precision, as I was working with paper. It will look messy when paper has gone through too many folding.

Materials used  :
·         Dove soaps (small ones)

·         Tempura paper (19.7 cm x 21.8 cm) – choose the pattern with shimmering strands, it works best for wrapping

·         1.6 cm width pink and 1.2 cm silver ribbons

·         Accents : Rose buttons and pastel colour rose accents  

·         Craft glue

Procedure (and practical tips):

·         Tempura papers lining: 1 sheet cut into 3, to be used as lining or initial wrapping of the soap. The width should just be enough to cover the soap from end to end. Secure the lining with craft glue.

·         Actual wrapper: wrap the soap like wrapping any gift. This is the best wrapping technique considering the shape of the soap. You might need to cut a few centimeters of excess paper on one side so it will be in exact size with provision to folding and pleats if you want. Pleats will add texture and layering before placing the ribbon and accents.

·         Wrap around with ribbon on top of the pleats. Layer the 2 ribbons with the wider one underneath. Use craft glue in securing the ribbon ends.

·          Attach the rose accents on upper right corner giving allowance for the label. For button like accents, you can attach it by inserting the uppermost ribbon in the holes. For regular rose accents, you can simply glue them.

·         Attach the label and it’s ready for drying. 

*** credits to Mommy Yin for the soap idea

Chocolates & Crafts

Project 1            : Christmas Tray of Goodies

Description        : Holiday corporate give away
Size                          : Various Sizes
Challenges          : 1. Must be elegant while practical
                                        2. Limited options for Christmas ornaments in the UAE – store-bought is just  too expensive

Materials used  :
·         Trays  in various sizes, gold or silver in colour

·         Christmas colour fabric ribbons – at least 2 colours as per your colour motif, 6 - 7cm in width, length will vary depending on your bow style

·         Red and gold Christmas balls – in various sizes and pine cones

·         Glue gun

·         Silver or gold soft metallic wrapper

·         Double sided tape

·         Craft wire or any similar soft wire 

Procedure (and practical tips):

·         Make large bows from the ribbons. Use craft wires to secure, lock and put together the ribbons and bows. Using craft wires will also help you tie, stretch and style the bows easily. There are various kinds that you can try. Make at least one of gold and red bows and put them together. I find big ribbons more appealing as they give the hampers more character.

·         Place accordingly in the corner of the tray and add balls and pine cones using glue gun. Target areas where glues will be hidden. For larger trays, add a few more balls at the opposite corner. Be careful not to overdo your accents though. Also, work on the combination of matte and glossy – make sure they don’t clash.

·         Fill the bottom of the tray with soft metallic wrapper as base. Use glue gun to hold it in place.  This will fill the space and elevate the chocolates when placed.

·         Put double-sided tape to the whole surface where chocolates will be placed. Leave them for a few minutes or what I did, I lightly wiped some parts of the surface with a damp cloth so it will not be too sticky. Chocolates should be lightly adhered only to the base otherwise, wrappers get stuck on the surface – ugly and messy.  

·         Time to put the chocolates. Group according to size and wrapper, it will be easy on the eyes. I put bigger ones on edges so they can also support those smaller once at the centre. Don’t forget the gift card.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Blocked-listed - Top 10 Reasons You Are Blocked in FB

You’re now an Ex-Facebook Friend (ExFBF).  Top 10 Reasons why!

#1 He is completely unaware – maybe his account is hacked or is now 'conjugal' and she wants you blocked. Move on sister.

If you’re a He, choose from reasons 2 and 3.

#2 You recently broke up – and either your Ex is too hurt, too guilty or is hiding something.

#3 *Your ExFBF deactivated her account. Same effect, you cannot peep on her dinner updates. Sniff! Sniff!! But if you found out from common friends her daily check-ins are in the news feed, scroll other 8 other probable reasons below. Good luck!

#4 Accepting your friend request was wrong in the first place. He/she is just making it right this time. Puhlezz set him/her free.

#5 You’re stalking the person. It is creepy as much as it is annoying and you deserve the 'blocked' list.

#6 *The right to privacy and the right to choose friends – she is just practicing both. You also have the right to get mad or feel bad but there’s nothing you can do about it.

#7 He or she is too hurt.

#8 Life is better off without you and your updates.  It's harsh but... (deep breath, shrugging shoulders)...

#9 You’re not really friends. And he/she wants his/her innermost thoughts, feelings for the day, worries, realizations, activities, pictures of her favourite pets, likes and etc… to be amongst those he/she is happy to share them with.    

#10 You’re an ugly past – or an ugly truth. Everyone deserves to live a happy and peaceful life so is your ex-FB friend. If he or she wants to move on and what you keep on dragging is ugliness, you will be 'unfriend-ed' or 'blocked-listed'.   

  • she/her is replaceable with he/his

#11 will be: you are related to the Ex, or closer to the Ex, wherein you wouldn't care.

The same applies to suddenly finding out you were 'unfriend-ed'  (oh! what a word). But on a lighter note, if you cannot control what you post or what you like, share or comments, at least you can control who knows what you do. 
Whatever, the bottom line is the person doesn't want to be reminded of you. Who knows, she's doing you both a favour.