Sunday, September 8, 2013

Top 10 Facebook Friends Turn off

n0 matter what the reason is, deleting that FBF from list or hiding his/her updates from the news feed is not an option:

1) he/she is more than virtual

2) you are within the same circle of friends

3) he/she hasn’t offended you intentionally in any way though (just annoying you)

4) it will be too harsh, rude, immature, start conflict, etc… etc….

… and most of all, the world does not revolve around your selfish whims, so the law of existence and manners requires you to coexist.   

I can tolerate occasional selfies or even the proud mommies, food is fine (as long as interesting and appetizing) but constant updaters as below, steer me away from the news feeds:

10)  The Grammar Murderer. YES it is a crime to mislead your friends, confuse them and give them headache staring at your jumbled alphabet all in one post.  There are forgivable lapses that still send your message across but if your rants, drama, food porn or photo caption leave us muddled, you are not giving our FB friendship justice. And you're doing it hourly.

9)     The Copy Cat ...says arf! arf! Enuff said.

8)     The Bad News Bearer / Bubble Burst-er. The news is already headlined with crimes, calamity, terrorism, wars (try Middle East papers or channels), etc… etc… so if you can help, please refrain from ranting how ugly the day seems or your life is.  Just pm your close friends.

7)     The Athlete …who sends so many game requests and updates. Okay, I want you deleted.

6)    The Online Diary Keeper. Dear FBF, If we are not your mom, your sister, your BFF, your immediate superior, stalker or the priest or your life coach, we need not the tiniest details of your day or your reaction to everything. We cannot promise to love you unconditionally and chances are your will irritate us or prompt us to gossip.

5)    The Preacher/The Righteous. The news feed is not a pulpit especially if you are the only one doing right things and everybody else is doing wrong.

4)     The Trigger Happy / Gullible …who shares everything even the hoax, those showing support, prayer or respect by sharing images of those suffering from sickness and gruesome pics… please share wisely.

3)     The Beauty Queen / The Weight Watcher. Please wait for us to acknowledge that you are beautiful in our eyes, no need to put in the caption and we don’t need the update in the kilos lost, we don’t swap clothes.  

2)      The Seller …no need to tag us of your latest collection especially those described ‘plus size’ or ‘Class A imitation’. Be sensitive.

NOTE: The Sellers include those who regularly post what they have shopped recently, the effect is the same.  

1)      The War Freak. Please keep the list of your enemies, frenemies or rivalry with you including the reason. Blind item also included. You are not giving the person a fair trial and it just defines you more than your enemy.
